President: Jacque Schneider
- Attends all board meetings and presides over them.
- Helps at Sew Days as needed. Collect Sew Day list of quilts turned in.
- Fields phone calls, messages and emails regarding Firehouse Quilts.
- Arranges for fabric donations; it is sorted at Sew Days by volunteers.
- Renews yearly liability insurance policies.
- Renews yearly Federal and State tax forms and 501c3 documents.
- Supervises volunteers who contact fire districts and all other organizations who receive our quilts. Help with deliveries if needed.
- Keeps quarterly records of quilts turned in and donated and provides that information to the membership.
- Creates quarterly calendar.
- Orders quilt labels as needed and brings supply to Sew Days; orders member name tags.
Vice President: Christie Meldrum
- All duties of President, should she be unable to fulfill them.
- Attends all board meetings
- Helps with deliveries & Sew Days
Secretary: Sara Van Horne
- Attends all board meetings
- Writes the minutes for each meeting and distributes the final copy to board members.
Treasurer: Mary Peterson
- Attends all board meetings
- Pays FHQ bills, makes bank deposits
- Keeps QuickBooks accounting
- Prepares financial reports for board meetings