On November 14, 2017, a delivery of 25 snuggle quilts was made to Marisol Homes by Barbara, Lynn, and Jacque. This facility is housed in an old convent in Lakewood which has been updated to house as many as 16 mothers and their children. The shelter is for single mothers with children who are experiencing […]
Deliveries to CASA House and The HUB
The second delivery of quilts was for The HUB – Larimer County Human Services. Christina met up with Jim and Jacque at the Cracker Barrel to receive 55 quilts. The HUB is open 24/7 for child protection calls that come into the county via the Hotline, police holds in emergencies, and teenagers entering the system. They manage […]
Fall Quilt Delivery Season Has Begun
On November 6th, two quilt deliveries were made in Castle Rock. The first delivery of 16 quilts was given to Castle Rock Adventist Hospital. These quilts will be put onto the hospice cart from which terminally ill patients or their family members can choose a quilt. Bonnie and Jacque were greeted with such enthusiasm and […]
Quilt Delivery to Arvada Fire Protection District
No Tricks … Just Treats … for Arvada Fire Protection District on Halloween Day. Quilts were delivered to support children who are transported by Arvada Fire ambulances and/or fire trucks to safety. This is the fourth year Firehouse Quilts of Colorado and Arvada Fire Protection District have partnered to offer comfort. The members of Firehouse […]
Donation to Therapeutic Recreation Fall Dance, Highlands Ranch
On Wednesday, October 25, 2017, Sandy H and Sara V delivered 28 Halloween themed quilts, as well as many bags and little embroidered “ghost” treats to Summer and Joe, for the annual Therapeutic Recreation Fall Dance in Highlands Ranch. The picture below shows just a few of the wonderful items created and donated by the […]
Volunteers are thanked in Louviers
On October 20th and 21st, thirty members of Firehouse Quilts attended an appreciation retreat in Louviers. They were able to sew for the two days in the beautiful Village Club that is now 100 years old. Everyone received great door prizes after making four blocks that will be assembled in a FHQ quilt. After a delicious dinner Friday,there were gift bags […]
Sew Day, October 19, 2017
Donations at the Firehouse Quilt Sew Day, October 19, 2017, started slow but turned into a big bonanza for the organizations we contribute to. By the end, we had collected 57 quilts to be donated to children in crisis, adults in neuro-rehabilitation, young adults with developmental disabilities, people with limb threatening conditions, and youths recovering from […]
Quilt Delivery to Craig Hospital
Members of Firehouse Quilts of CO recently delivered 10 quilts to Craig Hospital. Staff shown in the photo below deliver the quilts to patients for warmth and comfort. According to one of the Clinical Care team – “our patients are admitted to us with their worlds turned upside down and the gift of your quilts […]
Fantastic Donation Received at Sew Day
A generous donation of fabrics, tops, books and patterns was received at the October 5, 2017 sew day. The members felt like Christmas had arrived early and were busy sorting through everything for over an hour. There were nearly ten beautiful tops that will easily be completed and can then be donated to children in […]
Third Quarter Support to Firehouse Quilts
During the third quarter of 2017 Firehouse Quilts received $2,815.09 in donations. There were corporate donations from Amazon – $31.86, John Elway Cadillac – $250.00, and Laser Technology – $500.00. Wells Fargo donated a generous grant of $1,200.00. The rewards programs donations were from King Soopers – $711.00 and Giving Assistant – $22.23. There was […]