It’s that time of year! Have your furnace checked by Applewood Plumbing during the month of September and 100% of that money goes directly back to Firehouse Quilts. These funds will be used to purchase batting and fabric supplies so our members can continue to make quilts for children in crisis.
August Sew Days Very Productive
The two sew days in August were very busy with assorted projects throughout the room. There was a quilt being pinned for the quilting stage, lots of ladies sorting through new fabrics, many tops being pieced, and members assisting with the show and tell and bagging process. At the August 1st sew day there were 77 […]
Firehouse Quilts Receives Fabrics from Wray, Colorado
Recently FHQ received 75 pounds of fabrics from Patty Z, who lives in Wray, Colorado. This is the third generous donation that Patty has sent and it’s always like Christmas sorting through the boxes. Patty puts together panels with fabrics, I Spy kits, charm packs, jelly rolls, matching fabric sets, and so many other surprises for the […]
Firehouse Quilts Receives Support in Second Quarter
There was a total of $1,460.05 donated to Firehouse Quilts during the second quarter of 2019. These monetary donations are greatly appreciated because they enable our organization to continue with their mission of making quilts for children in crisis. Because the expense to purchase fabrics and batting is great, these donations help to defray the costs. The […]
One Hundred Quilts is a Record!
At the July 17th sew day there were exactly 100 quilts turned in and viewed during the bed turning. This amount is an all time record for the members of Firehouse Quilts and our volunteers should be extremely proud of their efforts. The total number of quilts made thus far in 2019 is now 787. […]
Quilt Delivery to Craig Hospital
Recently, Alice, Barbara, Judy, Lynda and Sybil delivered 31 quilts to Craig Rehabilitation Hospital. As always, there is excitement when we show up with quilts. It is so rewarding to see the recipients of our quilts made with love. We actually met with the mother of a new patient who was checking in and learned that her daughter’s […]
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at Craig Hospital
In mid June, Dee, Mary and Barbara attended the 2019 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner put on by Craig Hospital. This annual dinner is one of Craig’s way of saying “Thank You” to over 100 volunteers who support Craig’s mission. We had the chance to meet other volunteers, who work in the gift shop, support the weekend […]
Limb Preservation Foundation Thanks FHQ Members
On June 18th the members of Firehouse Quilts were treated to a pizza lunch complete with salad, cupcakes, drinks, and beautiful roses. The meal was served at the sew day by Karen, Joe, Lynn and Jan, who work or volunteer for the Limb Preservation Foundation. This annual event is a way to express their thanks to the […]
Over 100 Quilts Turned In
There were a total of 101 quilts turned in at the two sew days in June, 2019. The pile of quilts for the bed turnings has grown immensely this year and is always fun to observe. The first sew day had 45 quilts turned in and the second one had 56 quilts turned in. Those […]
Loads and Loads of Donated Fabric Washed
On May 21st four board members met at the Wash House Laundromat in Littleton to wash several donations of fabrics. The project took nearly seven hours resulting in four cars filled with fabrics to be ironed and folded in the future. John, the owner of the Wash House showed extreme generosity by donating $150.00 to […]