The Limb Preservation Foundation showed such gratitude to the FHQ ladies on Thursday, July 19th, that they were overwhelmed. Twice a year the members are thanked in a very special way by the Limb volunteers and staff. This time they were treated to a pizza lunch complete with salad, dessert, and drinks. To top it […]
108 Quilts Turned in by Volunteers in July
July Sew Days were once again very productive. Our members are so talented and strive to help build the inventory of quilts. There were 108 beautiful quilts turned in at the July sew days, bring the total for the year to 810. This is an all time high for our group and we can’t wait […]
Second Quarter Support to Firehouse Quilts
In the second quarter of 2018, FHQ received funds from many assorted organizations and people. A grant from Colorado Quilting Council in the amount of $500.00 and money from the King Soopers Rewards Program totaling $775.00 were welcomed and greatly appreciated. There was a corporate donation from Amazon Smile for $25.14 which comes from them […]
FHQ Invited to Annual Craig Rehabilitation Hospital Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
Two FHQ Volunteers attended the annual Craig Rehab Hospital volunteer appreciation dinner recently. Over 100 volunteers were thanked for their tireless contributions of time and talent to the Craig patients. FHQ enjoys a strong relationship with this world recognized hospital. Our quilts are greatly appreciated. During a slide presentation of volunteer efforts, 2 slides were […]
New Quilter and Thank You Notes at Sew Day
It was great fun to have Faith T, who is the niece of Christine T, attend the last sew day. Faith is 15 years old and has expressed an interest in learning to sew, so Christine decided to introduce her to quilting. She was motivated enough to pick out her pattern and fabrics and begin […]
So Much Happens at a Sew Day
The May 17th sew day was eventful and action packed. There was a busy group of 36 members piecing quilts, preparing kits for future use, and having fun visiting with one another. Once again this ambitious group of ladies made the bed turning exciting by turning in 62 quilts. This now brings the total number […]
It was a quiet sew day
The Sew Day on May 3rd was fairly quiet and had a smaller group of members attending. Maybe it was the cold and rainy day that kept people at home. Despite the small group, there were still 49 quilts turned in during the bed turning, which makes a total of 526 turned in this year. […]
So Much Fabric at Sew Day!
At the April 19th sew day we received an enormous donation of 439.5 yards of fabric from an anonymous donor. The fabrics were all darling “kid” prints which will be useful in making many new quilts for children in crisis. The members had a great time sorting through the fabrics and making their personal choices. At the […]
Support to FHQ During First Quarter 2018

Once again Firehouse Quilts has received generous donations from individuals and corporations. It is with extreme gratitude that we give our thanks to the following: King Soopers Rewards Program – $855.29, Chase Rewards Points – $129.08, Amazon Smiles – $32.28, Ranch Smokehouse Grill – $10.00, and two FHQ members – $60.00. The total of these […]
Guests Come to Sew Day
Several guests visited the sew day on April 5th. Summer A., the Therapeutic Recreation Coordinator for Highlands Ranch, Gabby and her mother brought a packet of delightful thank you notes and photos from the Valentine’s dance in February. Gabby was lucky enough to receive one of the beautiful FHQ quilts at the dance through the […]