The sew day on September 20, 2017 was packed with over 40 ladies and there were 69 quilts turned in and viewed during the bed turning. This large group of quilts brings the total number turned in for 2017 to be 883! It’s so exciting to see the assortment of creative quilts and enjoy how […]
Quilting Retreat in Estes Park

A group of 15 Firehouse members, friends, and family recently went on a quilting retreat to the YMCA facility in Estes Park. The weather was perfect and the ladies were excited to see a herd of about 28 elk every day very close to their lodge. So many gorgeous projects were created in this lovely […]
Winter is coming!
Tune up your furnace today and support Firehouse Quilts at the same time. During the month of September 2017, Applewood Plumbing Heating & Electric is offering 14-point ‘Energy Squeezer’ furnace systems checks in support of Firehouse Quilt’s mission. Applewood will perform a systems check for just $99 (normally $199.00) when you present this ad. At […]
Firehouse Quilts Receives Grant from Wells Fargo
On August 31, 2017, Christie M and Jacque S attended a “celebration” breakfast with District Managers and Branch Managers of Wells Fargo banks. Nine non-profit organizations were recognized for their contributions to their communities and were awarded grants from the Wells Fargo 2017 Community Assistance Fund. Firehouse Quilts was awarded $1,200.00. It is with much gratitude that […]
Four Sisters Receive Quilts After House Fire
Kari N, of Holly’s Quilt Cabin, approached Firehouse Quilts about donating quilts to four sisters who had lost their father and all their belongings in a house fire. She learned of these children in dire need through a neighborhood forum group recently. The sisters are being cared for by their uncle who is working two […]
Big Foot and Lasagna at Last Sew Day
It was a fun sew day that included a show and tell of a Big Foot block by Debby. She is creating a special quilt for her brother who has an interest in this big guy. Some very nice quilts were viewed in the bed turning and the members were busily working on their sewing […]
Busy Day for Firehouse Ladies
Firehouse Quilts had a busy day on 8/2/17!! Our first stop was to Craig Hospital. Always a pleasure to visit such an upbeat healing facility. We delivered 24 quilts and had an opportunity to actually give 2 of our quilts to some very brave and courageous people. Also on this visit […]
Firehouse Receives Large Donation of Fabrics
A very large donation of fabrics was picked up by Alice Z. this week in Westminster. The gorgeous fabrics were donated by Linda F., who read about FHQ in the Arvada newspaper this spring. Not only did she donate every day fabrics, she also donated a large amount of Christmas fabric that will be used […]
Craftsy Charity Quilt is Turned In At Sew Day
A large group of volunteers was at the sew day on July 20, 2017. Everyone was busy sewing new quilts, picking out fabrics, and enjoying the bed turning of quilts. There was a large variety of quilts to see, including the charity quilt donated to FHQ from Craftsy. The finished quilt was made from the […]
Littleton Fire Department Receives Quilts
On July 13, 2017 volunteers of FHQ delivered quilts to Littleton Fire Department, Station No. 11. They met with Tim and Carla, of the Fire Marshall’s office, and the crew who was working their shift at the station that day. The quilts will be put on eight of their units throughout the district. Littleton covers […]