Several deliveries were made in December to agencies requesting quilts. One of them was made on December 14th to Arvada Fire and Rescue. Amber, Michelle, and Deanna, who are members of Arvada Fire, received quilts from Barbara C., Christie, and Alice. They are always thrilled to receive quilts from Firehouse and proudly display a “fire” themed quilt on the walls […]
Firehouse Quilts Volunteers Enjoy Christmas Luncheon
On December 10, 2016, nearly 35 volunteers of FHQ gathered for a holiday luncheon at The Bistro Café in Aspen Groves Shopping Center. Everyone enjoyed a delicious assortment of dishes and spent time visiting with one another. After the meal there was “show and tell” of personal quilted items that the members had made for themselves, friends, and […]
FHQ Receives Thank You Notes for Halloween Quilts
Summer A., the Coordinator of the Highlands Ranch Therapeutic Recreation group and Lilly, a participant in that group, attended the Sew Day on December 7, 2016. They presented hand written thank you notes and photos from the attendees of the Halloween dance who received the quilts prepared by FHQ volunteers. The quilts were special door prizes that […]
Sew Days Moving to Shiloh House in January
There will NOT be a sew day on January 4, 2017, due to our move to Shiloh House. The first sew day in January will be on Thursday, January 19th from 10 am to 4 pm. Shiloh House is located at 6400 W Coal Mine Avenue, Littleton, Colorado.
Shiloh House Receives Annual Christmas Quilts
A large delivery of 128 quilts and 110 Christmas stockings was made to Shiloh House in Littleton on December 1, 2016. For nearly eight years Firehouse Quilts has donated quilts to Shiloh House, an organization that treats children ages 5-18 with severe behavioral and emotional problems. The children live in home-like settings and receive educational and vocational planning for increased success in […]
Action Care Ambulance Receives Quilts
Members of Firehouse Quilts delivered 51 quilts to Action Care Ambulance in Centennial on October 22, 2016. Randy, who is their Marketing Manager and PR man, gave the group of volunteers a quick tour of their facility, including the dispatch center, Paramedic/EMT rest area, supply room and offices. The quilts that are donated to Action Care will […]
Thanksgiving Quilts for Father Ed Judy House
Thirty quilts were donated to the Father Ed Judy House in Ft. Logan on November 21, 2016. These quilts were to be given to alumni family children in a Thanksgiving basket. This facility is a group home family shelter for Moms and children who are preparing to move into a more stable housing situation. They are able to […]
FHQ Members Enjoy Thanksgiving Luncheon
On November 17, 2016, nearly 45 Firehouse Quilts members enjoyed a delicious pot luck Thanksgiving luncheon complete with turkey and all of the traditional side dishes for the holiday. The luncheon is an event that has been enjoyed for nearly eight years. Everyone prepares their favorite Thanksgiving dish that is shared before the Sew Day. Members now request their favorite dessert or dish that is prepared […]
Donation to Benefit Children’s Colorado Burn Camps Program
On November 4th 2016, Firehouse Quilts was proud to donate one of our beautiful Quilts to the “Creating Ties Dinner.” Every year Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation hosts an annual fundraiser including a silent auction, dinner and program. All proceeds benefit Children’s Colorado Burn Camps Program. If you would like more information go to […]
Therapy Quilts for Kids
Quilts were donated to Forward Movement Counseling on October 8, 2016. Accepting the quilts from Christy M. were Julia D. and Jackky S. They counsel children as young as 4 years of age and as old as 17. They strive to provide the highest quality services through evidenced based and culturally sound practices and it is […]