Thank You From a Mother’s Heart!

I’ve been corresponding by email for a few weeks with Tori (Hope’s mom) about our quilt her daughter received on the way to the hospital recently. Here’s a nice thank you note she sent.

“Hi wonderful volunteers, I would like to send a thank you for the quilt we received when our 2-year-old daughter was taken to the hospital in the ambulance. It was such a scary time having all the emergency people there, but they gave Hope your quilt and it seemed so comforting. When we got to the hospital, we spent the hours pointing out the animals, counting stars, naming colors, etc. on the quilt. We couldn’t find her teddy bear and she pulled it from under the quilt and proceeded to play peekaboo for another half hour under the quilt.

I quilt myself and I know how much time it takes and for you all just to give it to a fire department for a little one (and their parents) who needs a little comfort is so great.

What a difference you and the other quilters are making for so many little ones, thank you again. Bless you all.”

Corey, Tori, Hope, Hannah and Claire












As you can see, Hope is fine now and pointing to a fish on her fun quilt.  Her mom also sent a nice thank you card through the mail, a photo of Hope with her quilt and a nice donation to Firehouse Quilts.

Our volunteers were thrilled to see the pictures of her and understand how much our quilts mean to the parents, as well as the children.

Thank you Tori, for allowing us to share Hope’s story.

Volunteers of Firehouse Quilts