On September 24, four members of FHQ made a delivery to a new CASA group. This “Court Appointed Special Advocates” group is known as Advocates for Children. They represent children in Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln counties. Each CASA volunteer works with one child or one sibling group at a time. The children are a part of hundreds of abused or neglected children who are part of the child welfare system. Most of them have been removed from their homes and are now part of an open court case. This wonderful group of volunteers has been helping children for 32 years and helped 850 children in 2017. The children with a CASA volunteer will find a safe and permanent home, more likely will be adopted, spend less time in foster care, and do better in school because of the consistent, responsible adult present in their lives. The FHQ quilts that were delivered will be put in the “warm and fuzzy” room where they will be used as birthday gifts or when a CASA member receives a new child to represent. Joyce, Bonnie, Gwen and Jacque presented the quilts to staff members Nancy, Stacey, and Andrea, and Ian who is a Board member.