Because of generous donations to Firehouse Quilts during the first quarter of 2019 we are able to continue with our mission of making quilts for children in crisis. The donations that were made enable FHQ to purchase batting and fabrics needed to make the quilts. The volunteers have been making so many quilts this year that they are sometimes using up two rolls of batting at each sew day. The cost of the batting is about $150.00 per roll. The following is a listing of who donated to Firehouse Quilts: Corporate: Network For Good $240.00, Western Union Foundation $500.00, Ent Credit Union $450.00, and Above and Beyond Sewing & Vacuum $75.00. Rewards: King Soopers $317.00, Colorado Life Magazine $45.00, Amazon Smiles $31.90, and Chase Bank Card Rewards $103.09. Individual: Vickie D. $100.00. The donation total this quarter is: $1,861.99.