Bonnie M, a member of Firehouse Quilts, has been cutting quilt kits for over a year. She has an eye for matching colors and themes for the kits that are made available to the membership to pick up and piece together. This is extremely helpful for those who prefer not to do their own cutting. Bonnie has been a member of FHQ for one and a half years and prior to that belonged to her church quilting group. Bonnie begged her Mom to allow her to start sewing when she was eight, continuing to do sewing in 4H, high school and college. She made clothing for herself and her five children. Traditional quilts are Bonnie’s preference and she feels quilts are made to be slept under. Quilting is her passion and escape and she prefers to not take on complicated or intricate projects. We appreciate the time she has taken to make the quilt kits for Firehouse Quilts.