It was a busy season for quilt deliveries this fall. On December 11, 2018 Joe, who is a volunteer with the Patient Services Committee of the Limb Preservation Foundation, met Sara and Jacque at the storage bin to pick up 35 quilts for the hospital. Joe personally matches each quilt to a patient after he has visited with them. He inquires about their favorite color, animal, sport, etc. then looks through the quilts to find just the right one. Joe himself is a former patient with the Limb hospital so he is very aware of the feelings and needs of the patients there. His appreciation to FHQ inspires all of us.

The Anderson Pallet and Crate Company in Sedalia recently put out a plea for toys, clothes, food and blankets for children who would not be having a very merry Christmas. Jacque met with Carolyn on December 21st and donated 100 quilts for this project. The 115 children receiving these quilts are students at Sedalia Elementary School who come from 50 families. Eight of the children recently lost their homes and worldly goods because of the Paradise fire in California. They have come to Colorado for help and support. Local Sedalia businesses and private parties joined in to provide 2,000 toys, hats and gloves, and food items. Carolyn and her husband Jason truly have hearts of gold by organizing this project for children in need.